The vision for ISNURH is to become the go-to menswear clothing brand where quality, design and functionality is not in trade-off with sustainable production and responsible business conduct.
The fashion industry's significant environmental impact is well-known and requires change.
Continuously, we assess our sustainability efforts, always aiming for improvement.
We acknowledge the power of small changes and invite you to explore our current efforts and future goals below.

Towards a more responsible production & better products
Emphasizing sustainable economic growth and fair labor conditions, prioritizing innovative development and resilient infrastructure.
Rethinking production through consumption, new technology, patterns and educating consumers, to making climate-conscious decisions.
Make overall decisions in the best interest of the climate.
Have focus on every aspect of the creative process and change actions to minimize the impact we make.


Global Recycled Standards :
• Recycled fibers
• Social & environmental practices
• Chemical restrictions
• Traceability
• Performance & durability
• New sustainable technology in spinning & dying of yarn
• Italian fabric

Oekotex :
• Tested for toxic chemicals
• Made with sustainable and socially responsible conditions
• Used on ISNURH jersey which is made in Portugal
Lenzing :
• Natural fibers, Cellulose
• Biodegradable materials
• Circular lifespan
• Reducing water in production

Material wheel is based upon SS24 collection.
This is the following countries that we source our fabrics & trims from.
Italy, Spain, China, France, Portugal
We prioritize to source fabrics close to our production factories.

The graph shows the percentage of where our collections is made based on the Spring Summer 2024 collection.

• Producing only two annual collections, Spring Summer & Autumn Winter.
With focus on classic & time-less aesthetic and details that goes beyond micro-trends and seasons.
• Designing for longevity, durability & functionality.
Choosing high quality materials and with focus on details & craftsmanship.
The focus is to prolong the use-phase and incentivise repairing prior to buying new items.
• Promoting our ‘Care for Clothes’ recommendations on how to optimize the value of clothes during its use phase, minimising the negative environmental impacts from washing and promoting that all items should be repaired, resold or customised prior to being discarded.
• Integrating deadstock, recycled fabrics & residual textiles from other retailers, into our design to minimize primary resource consumption and textile waste across the industry.

ISNURH partnered with manufactores located in Europe and Asia, which is meeting our requirements for flexibility, responsibility, price, proximity to our stock and end-customer.
• Facilitates minimum environmental impact from transportation of our collections - by using train, sea and road transport.
• Facilitates seamlessly integration of deadstock and alternative, sustainable textile materials into the production and sewing of our collection.
• Improve the guaranty of working conditions and human rights compliance due to applicable EU and ILO labor law and standards, while the nearer location makes it easier to audit the factory ourselves. - The factory in China is partially owned by a Danish company.
Minimum standards for production partners of ISNURH.
The ISNURH Code of Conduct (CoC 2023 I Version 2.0) has been approved by ISNURH executives and outlines the minimum standards for all operational and strategical decisions in the business conduct of ISNURH and all partners interacting with ISNURH. The main obligation of ISNURH is to ensure compliance with human and labour rights conditions for people employed in the value chain and to facilitate a commitment of all partners to reduce environmental impacts as much as possible. Furthermore, the purpose is to facilitate continuously improvements across the value chain to support sustainable development, which will be followed through annual updates of the ISNURH CoC, strategy and through certification and audits.
As ISNURH is committed to ethical, sustainable and responsible business conduct in all operations, equal conduct it is expected of all partners. It is required of all partners to comply with local laws and regulation including human rights and labor rights, workplace safety and the uphold of conventions as set by the United Nations Inter-national Labour Organization (ILO).
Standards outlined in the CoC are the minimum standards we expect partners to adhere to. When differences between the CoC and national or local laws and regulation apply, the higher standard rules.
The term ‘partner’ is used throughout the CoC and includes, but is not restricted to textile material and component suppliers, subcontractors, factories, licensees, vendors, warehouses and agents.

ISNURH is obliged to support universal and effective recognition of the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights, applicable to all human beings affected by its business conduct.
All partners of ISNURH shall not discriminate or exclude or have preferences on the basis of race, color, sex, language, religion, politicalopinion, national or social origin, property, birth or any other jurisdictional or international status of the country or territory to which a person belongs.
The UN ILO 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development calls for promotion of inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work, further embedded in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
ISNURH requires all partners to support the ILO Decent Work Agenda, while in particular secure standards for:
No child in the age below 15 or under the age of compulsory education being completed, is to be employed in the production of ISNURH items.
All partners are obliged to have effective procedures for age verification in the recruitment process in place and in case of any child found employed in the production, an effective and appropriate renumeration procedure must be in place.
All partners employing juvenile workers, in the age between 15-17, must ensure appropriate protection in compliance with local laws and at minimum ensure that juvenile workers are not working overtime, night shifts or engaged in work, which are harmful to their health, safety and development.
All partners shall refrain completely from the use of forced labor, defined by ILO as all non-voluntary work.
All partners are obliged to ensure, that employees shall not be treated with harassment, abuse or monetary penalties in a disciplinary context, but with dignity.
All partners are obliged to monitor the subcontractors to support processes that ensure no employees are compelled to work involuntarily.
All partners are required to particularly target practices on forced women and girls labor, as they are found to be disproportionately affected as forced labor victims.
All partners of ISNURH are obliged to support workers engagement, involvement, protect and promote workers’ universal right to freedom of peaceful assembly and association.
Everyone has the right to form and join unions for the protection of interests and no one may be compelled to associate, neither when formed associations are representing a conflict of interest to the employer or to ISNURH.
No employee should be assigned to working hours exceeding 8 hours a day and 48 hours per week. Additionally, partners are obliged to allow and promote employees resting breaks for a minimum of 24 uninterrupted hours in every seven-day rotation.
Partners shall plan to avoid regular demanded overtime and ensure, that the net sum of employees weekly full- and overtime hours does not exceed 60 hours.
All overtime working hours shall strictly be carried out on a voluntary basis.
All partners are obliged to hire on a basis of suitability for the assigned tasks and to support non discrimination and fairly paid working conditions, including equal pay for equal work.
ISNURH require its partners to pay at least minimum wages to employees according to national law and industry standards, in which the highest standard apply.
Additionally, overtime hours should be rewarded due to national law and industry standards.
All partners are obliged to protect their employees from sickness, disease and injury arising from any assigned tasks and are required to take reasonable precautions to ensure conditions, facilities and equipment are not jeopardizing the health and safety of their employees.
This include regulatory monitoring for matters including, but not limited to infrastructure, fire, electrocution and exposure to chemicals, dust and noise.
Buildings, used by suppliers in any part of the supply chain, must be certified to demonstrate safety and only be used for the purpose of construction. Sufficient fire safety precautions must be in place, including accessible emergency exits and fire extinguishers.

All partners are obliged to comply with applicable laws, regulation and environmental standards regarding preservation of the environment and the climate.
Such compliance includes adopting practices to improve resource efficiency by minimizing the use of energy and natural resources through cleaner production techniques.
Such practices should include managing the water footprint by reducing water use to responsible levels, implementation of water recycling techniques and treatment of wastewater according to local sewage regulation or to standards in the industry.
Partners are obliged to reduce waste in all forms along the processes in the value chain by minimizing all forms of discharge and maximize the utilization of resources prior to considering these as waste streams.
Partners should be able to provide ISNURH with records of resource consumption, waste production and emissions when requested.
ISNURH has implemented a no-burn policy, which is required of all partners to adhere to and when items, materials or resources are considered as waste, partners are obliged to look for alternative utilization, i.e. through donation schemes or industrial synergies, prior to incineration discharge.
All partners are obliged to disclose exhaustive information of facilities used in production, storage and distribution of ISNURH items and to be fully aware of all production activities, in their internal operations as well as in their supply chain.
All partners are required to provide transparent, well informed and updated information on matters of production to ISNURH.
All subcontracting or outsourcing or changes in the supply chain, relevant to ISNURH, must be reported for verification.
ISNURH reserves the right to monitor its partners through audits and informal assessments in order to ensure adherence with the CoC.
During audits, ISNURH require unrestricted access to all areas of the facility, documents and employees for confidential conversations.
Accordingly, ISNURH expect transparency and honesty in disclosed information provided by its partners.
Any non-compliance breaches should immediately be reported to ISNURH via
Where compliance breaches and unmet standards are identified, the partner will be required to provide an action plan to outline how the breach will be addressed in an effective and timely manner to ensure sustained improvement.
Failure by a partner to accordingly address the breach, will ultimately cause a loss of business operations with ISNURH by withdrawal of operations as ultimate sanction.